By Yannick Cornet February 16, 2023
Promte flowering and vegetable/fruit development
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Unikey TerraPotas is indicated to act as activator of the vegetal physiology and life of edaphytes organisms, making in this way a global action on soil fertility in a short time. It contains essential macronutrients and micronutrients together with physiologically active and functional L-a amino acids. Efficient anti-stress eect in adverse climatic situations (hydric or thermal stress, transplanting periods, etc.) due to the content of active
L-a amino acids. It acts improving the vegetable growth at the same time that induces flowering, fruit setting and fattening of the fruits. It stimulates the physiological development of cultures after a period of inactivity.
Total Nitrogen 3%
Urea Nitrogen 3%
Potassium Oxide 30%
Dosage: 1Lt/Ha